Varmam Medicine

HomeCourses Varmam Medicine

Varmam Medical Practioner

  • Duration: 45 days (Theory & Practical)
  • Fee: 4.5 lakhs

Master of Varmam Medical Practioner

  • Duration: 60 days (Theory & Practical Medicine)
  • Fee: 8 lakhs

Master of Varmam Arts and Medicine

  • Duration: 90 days (Theory & Practical, Medicine)
  • Fee: 11 lakhs

We are teaching all the secrets of varmam medicine in a traditional way defined by great sidhas agasthiyar and hin Maharishi. The Course duration is 45 days covering 45 vital varmam points detailed practical explanation. Varmapperasan Dragon T Jayrai with his extensive experience of more than 52 years will be teaching every class in person.